Saturday, August 1, 2020

Missing Application Materials

Missing Application Materials Admissions has been deluged with calls and emails from students who are worried about missing materials. Do not worry. We have not yet finished processing all of the application materials submitted for early action. We do not expect to have finished processing these materials until next week. That means that most of you who have a missing document will see your applications become complete over the next week or so, with no action needed to be taken by you. You are at no disadvantage of your application is not yet complete. Over the past month, we have received more than 10,000 pieces of mail, as well as thousands of documents submitted online through MyMIT or Docufide. Of these tens of thousands of documents, only your MyMIT Part 1 and Part 2 require no processing. Every other component notably teacher recommendations and transcripts requires multiple processing steps. Every application is evaluated using the same criteria, whether it is the very first or very last application read. There is no bonus for people who complete their application earlier. When we have completed the processing of the materials submitted, I will post another blog entry. At that time, if your application is still incomplete, it will be appropriate to send in an additional copy of this missing document. At this time, however, you should not send additional copies of missing documents, as it may slow down our ability to process the documents we already have. Also note that while some of your schools submitted documents electronically via Naviance/Docufide, and while Naviance may show that we have downloaded the file, that does not mean that we have yet fully processed it on our side. Also note that Docufide has been experiencing significant technical problems that have impeded our progress with these electronic files. If you have taken November standardized tests and have designated MIT at a score recipient, you are all set; there is no more you need to do. I assure you we will have your scores in plenty of time to make a decision. You are not at any disadvantage. If you have completed your interview with an MIT alum and it is not showing up as Interview Conducted/Processed on your tracking system, you may fill out a Completed Interview form (in the green interview box on your MyMIT homepage). I hope this is helpful! Bottom line: relax.

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