Sunday, May 10, 2020

How the Cell Phone Has Changed Our Lives Essay - 818 Words

How the Cell Phone has Changed our Lives The cell phone, or mobile phone, has become a large part of our American culture. You see them wherever you go, and in the hands of every group dynamic. This technology seems to have appeared overnight, and it is probably going to be with us for a very long time. They are used for both personal and business demand, and have an interesting future as well. Our lives have changed quite dramatically with the invention of the cell phone, with both good and arguably bad results. Just where did the cell phone come from? Bell Laboratories created the first cellular communication device in 1947, which was used exclusively in police cars. The first actual working cell phone was created in 1973 by Dr†¦show more content†¦The business user of today relies heavily on the email functions built into cell devices, like the Blackberry and the Treo. There are also many new technologies that have arisen. One very new technology is the ability to use your cell phone as a global positioning unit to help speed you through daily traffic. LG, a large manufacturer of cell phones in Korea, is working on a new mobile phone that will also work as a breathalyzer. The phone will have functions that warn you not to drive, or can block you from dialing certain phone numbers if you are over a certain limit. Even with all the great technology used in cell phones, it can be argued that mobile technology also has a dark side. Over the past 20 years, the cell phone and its wireless technology have both been the focus of many debates and litigations. Cell phones have been blamed for brain tumors, radiation sickness, electromagnetic interference, and electromagnetic sensitivity sicknesses, along with many other illnesses and conditions. In 2001, the majority owner of the Baltimore Orioles, Peter G. Angelos, filed as co-counsel in a lawsuit against the cell phone industry for $800 Million. His claim is that the cell phone industry has been withholding the hazards of cell phone radiation, which has led to deaths caused by brain tumors. Another negative aspect of cell phones to consider is that these devices can also lead to traffic accidents. In fact, theShow MoreRelatedcell phones: how have they changed us socially927 Words   |  4 Pages Cell phones: How Have They Changed Us Socially? Introduction Thesis Statement: Cell phones have socially changed our lifestyle and have greatly influenced our lives. Alternatively referred to as a cell, cellular, and cellular phone, a cell phone, which is also sometimes abbreviated as â€Å"cp† is a mobile phone or portable phone that enables a user to communicate almost anywhere in the world. 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